If you have been reading our blog from the beginning, you will know what our purpose of this project is. We wanted to take time out of each day and enjoy the life that God has created us. We wanted to stop the busyness for a few minutes and have fun. We also wanted to show a little bit of what God has been doing in our lives. Due to a schedule of running and cooking, and lots of tests, we didn't have time to slow down and enjoy the day together, (I know that I have thoroughly enjoyed the day!), so I decided to do today's blog post over something that has really been convicting me and teaching me lately. This is an excerpt from a online Bible study that I've found. The study isn't complete online, so if you go looking for it you won't find all of it. It's still good stuff, just not fully there. From what little I've read of Her Hands, I have learned a lot. Below is the part that's spoken to me the most lately. I know it's long, and I'm sorry, but please read the text below. It will be well worth the five minutes it takes. [And just because the verse and excerpt talk about women specifically, it still can definitely apply to guys!]
Proverbs 14:1
The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.
"We will be women who build, or we will be women who destroy. We will be wise, or we will be foolish. We will pass down a legacy of obedience and blessing or a lifestyle of sin and rebellion. Those things are guaranteed for every woman. Those are our only choices. I will have to decide. You will have to decide. Which woman will I be? Unfortunately we aren’t the only people living in these houses we are either building or destroying. Other precious people reside there as well. Scripture warns us that foolishness is destructive. Our foolish ways of thinking and living will cause us to destroy our own lives and the lives of people around us. There is good news. Scripture says that God sent His Word to heal us. There is hope for believers. Because of the cross, and God's grace, we can be women who build. God has graciously given us the opportunity to truly live a life that honors Him. God’s Word can reteach, retrain and restore us. We can be women who pass down godliness and blessing for generations. God desires for women to be pursuing the godly characteristics outlined for believers and specifically women in His Word no matter if we’re married or single. As soon as we’re believers God desires to grow in us the fruits of purity, submission, gentleness, kindness, and self-control."
Have we built today, or destroyed? Have we encouraged one another or been caught up in our own schedules to care about the people around us? Have we thought of others as better than ourselves or do we think, in a round about way, that the world revolves around us? Have we glorified the Kingdom of God in our interactions, thoughts, words, etc.? Just something to think about.