Friday, September 24, 2010

Girls Lunch

For this week's picture, we decided to take it of our Girls' Lunch. I think last week a few of us had the great idea to designate Friday lunches as girls only. We're all so busy and rarely are all five of us ever hanging out at the same time (actually there were two close friends missing today). Therefore, Fridays are girl time. Today's lunch was crazy!! There were a few high schools in the caf for preview day or something and that made getting food and hearing each other a bit tricky. It was still a wonderful time of amazing friends!

I can't tell you how thankful I am for each of these lovely ladies and how much I value their friendship.

God's been teaching me a lot lately about love, and the true meaning of the word, and a whole bunch of other stuff, but one of the things that has been reoccurring this week is what I want the theme of our friendship [and basically the entire rest of my life] to be:
John 13.35:
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.

Happy weekend!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Bash at a Barn

Last week and this Monday were TWIRP week at Ouachita. TWIRP stands for "the woman is required to pay", so it's kinda like a Sadie Hawkins idea. Each night, there is a different theme that you can ask a guy to go with you too. . . so it's pretty fun!!! Our personal favorite is Campus Ministries Barn Bash! There was bbq, tea, lemonade, square dancing, ants, hay, a tractor (John Deer green I might add) and of course friends! Haha. Thank you, Adam and Trevor, for being amazing dates!

Devote yourselves to prayer; stay alert in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2

Have a wonderful weekend!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back Home

So it's a bit late, but I really wanted to post these because they're fun! After a nice long weekend apart, Aubrey and I are both back home at Ouachita. I stayed here while Aubrey went home for Labor Day Weekend. We both had nice relaxing weekends! :)
We were sitting in my room talking with Angela when she grabbed my camera and started taking pictures of us laughing. I'm not sure what we were laughing at, but apparently (as seen on my face...) it was hilarious! 

Oi. This picture is just funny-I look dumb, but it's still a sweet picture. It's so nice to have everyone back together again. I hope you get to enjoy time with your family and good friends!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Decoration Exclamation

Today Brittany and I decided to squeeze in time to start decorating our living room. We have been putting it off for way too long. This year we made the living room have a twist- half of the room has a breakfast nook/dining area decorated with a chef theme and the other half is the game/tv/couch area. So far we LOVE it! 

Today we were successful in putting down a fun red shag rug down and hung mirrors, chef things, a chalk board, and some wall decor. We still didn't manage to finish, but we know what we have left to do and what we have left to shop for :) 


The chef you see pictured is Chef Leon. He is our lasting memory of the Pizza Shack that has now turned into the Frozen Stone. Ahhh the sadness! 

A Bible verse the Lord has put on my heart heavily this week is Proverbs 16:9:

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.

We both pray that you will let the Lord guide you in everything you think and say and do. Have a splendid weekend :)


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Welcome Back!

Hello Blog World!
We would like to welcome you back to a new school year, a new blog design, a new camera, and a new project of sorts. I've been missing our little project terribly, and have had many people ask about whether or not we were going to continue this. Well, I can tell you that we are, but it's going to be a bit different. We probably won't be taking a picture everyday because of busyness, but we will try to fit in about 3 or 4 a week. I still want it to be a part of our day where we can just stop from the crazy-school, band, homework, Tunes, church, etc.-and take time to smile a little bit and chill, and wonder at God's creation. :-) So we'll see how it goes! (keep your fingers crossed) :-)

So here's to day 1. We didn't actually get a picture together and it's not from today, but it is from the first day of school. Classes started Wednesday with a bang, and went quite well for both of us! It's bound to be an exciting year! I hope it went well for you also!


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So I'm not sure if people are still checking this since we are pausing our picture project for the summer, but I wanted to let our faithful followers know that since I am going to be in Arkansas for the summer (as opposed to home in Texas), I've created my own blog to keep people up to date with what's going on. Aubrey will be home and I know that she had talked about doing a blog with her mom, so we'll let you know about that.

My blog link is Check it out. Or don't. Whatever floats your boat. :) I just wanted to throw it out there.

I hope your summer is going wonderfully!

We'd love to hear about what's going on in your lives! :)


Monday, May 10, 2010


So as you can see, we ended up going a tad bit over 30 days, which is what the blog is entitled to do, but we started 3 days early and wanted to end up finishing out the semester with everyday included! We hope that this has been enjoyable reading/viewing pictures for all 2 of you that read it. Haha just kidding. . . we may have 3. Wink. We appreciate all of you who have been faithful followers and would just like to say, "Stay tuned!" We will be doing a "365 Days with Brittany and Aubrey" starting in the Fall semester. It is quite a commitment, and we may skip a few days and have to come back, but we have decided that it is all worth it in the end.
Have a wonderful Summer, and we'll update you with highlights of ours starting in the Fall!

"Be still and know that I am God." Psalms 46:10

Surly we can continue to stop for at least a few minutes a day to document what God is doing in our lives.

So once again, "Stay Tuned!!!" :)


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Day 32: The Day Of Graduation

Today was our official last day at Ouachita until August. It was a bittertsweet ending, but couldn't have ended perfectly! Because we're in the band, we have to stay on Saturday for graduation to play for the graduates. It was an absolute perfect day for a graduation! Ouachita has a cool tradition that graduations are held outside in front of Cone Bottoms, our administration building. My cousin, Rachel, graduated today, so it was extra special for me! Plus my family got to be there! It was a lovely time to send off the students who are now officially college graduates! I'm so excited for those that I know who graduated today and to see what all God has for their future and what all they do with their lives! Congratulations Class of 2010!!
[Way to graduate, Rachel! So proud of all you've done!
Can't wait to hear all about physical therapy school! :)]

Aubrey, being the wonderful music-loving, soon to be band director that she is, volunteered to play clarinet in the graduation band! We got to play sitting next to one another with Becca left without Aubrey in the Flute section. :) And despite a few squeaks we all made it through Pomp and Circumstance beautifully! It was so fun to play next to Aubrey!

A very special happy Mother's Day to our moms and all the lovely ladies in our lives! We love you so much and wish you a very happy Mother's Day!

Day 31: The Day we Killed ourselves moving

Today was a very very busy day. Poor Brittany had two finals left to take, and we both began moving out of the dorm even though we had to stay until Saturday for graduation. We both got up rather early to begin the extravaganza, and didn't end until very late in the afternoon. Brittany's parents came to help and to also go to graduation to see Brittany's cousin graduate. They were a huge help to me as well when it came to somehow fitting last minute things in Big Bertha (my mom's Tahoe. . . haha). THANK YOU :)

Here are some pictures of the empty dorm and us with Rebecca smiling rather large when everything was officially in the car:

Tonight Brittany went and hung out with her family and I had the pleasure of going swing dancing with Travis and a big group of people from OBU in Hot Springs. It was a lot of fun, and he is a great teacher!

Tomorrow Brittany and I will both play clarinet at graduation and then we are DONE with our sophomore year! Holy cow! Where ever did the time go? The Lord has truly blessed us with meeting each other this year. I could NOT, I repeat, could NOT have made it through this year without you, Brittany. I love you! You are an amazing friend and such an inspiration to me! I can't wait to be your roommate again next year and see what God has in store! :D


Friday, May 7, 2010

Project 30 Hall Of Fame

Since today is officially day 30, that means it's Hall of Fame Day! We asked a few days ago which posts were the favorites of our viewers. Here's the results!

*Day 27, Gamma Bench

*Day 26, Last Sunday At The Frog

*Day 23, Kappa Serenade.

*Day 24, Taco Tico Extravaganza

*Day 18, Aubrey's birthday. (This one got two votes!)

*Day 15, Brittany's Parents Came.
*Day 14, Swings

*Day 5, Train Park

Thanks for sticking with us through these past 30 Days! It's been such a fun month, and God has definitely done some great things in our lives. We're planning on continuing until at least the end of school (two more days until summer!), so stick with us until then, and we'll let you know what's the plan for the summer. :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 30: The Day We Celebrated Becca's Birthday!!

Today is officially day 30!!! What better way to celebrate than to share in Becca's birthday celebration a couple of days early! We went to Little Italy, which has wonderful Italian cuisine. It was a lovely time for the five of us to get together in between studying for finals, packing, checking girls out as an R.A., and of course, playing some great Mario Kart!

Happy Birthday Becca!!! It's so wonderful and amazing to be friends with you! I hope your 20th year is phenomenal!
Love you Becca!


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 29: The Day We Studied and Such

Today was the third day of finals week. Brittany was lucky to have no tests, but the sweet girl had to spend the day studying for 2 more tests she has left. Luckily she did have a break to go to church. She teaches the middle school girls at Park Hill Baptist. She has such a heart for girls and people in general. It is so great to see how God is using her.

I had my percussion final today and then had the pleasure of going to the Eubanks to eat lunch before another test in the late afternoon and Tiger Tunes practice. The Eubanks are a sweet old couple I met at First Baptist Church last semester. I went over to their house to eat one Sunday and have now gone over several times since to just hang out. It is so much fun to talk with them :) Mr. Eubanks is a very talented musician and is even helping me fix up an autoharp my friend, JK, here at Ouachita gave me! BIG SMILE. Mrs. Eubanks even has a garden, complete with an electrical fence to keep the "critters" out- HAHA. Such a sweet, Godly couple!

Being the sweet person she is, Mrs. Eubanks had made me some "rice krispy cornflakes" to take back to the dorm. Brittany and I enjoyed them much : D Excuse our appearances, it was about 1:30 am in the morning when we took this. Smile.

"Others will divorce you, abandon you, and ignore you, but God loves you ALWAYS!" -Max Lucado


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 28: Our Hands

If you have been reading our blog from the beginning, you will know what our purpose of this project is. We wanted to take time out of each day and enjoy the life that God has created us. We wanted to stop the busyness for a few minutes and have fun. We also wanted to show a little bit of what God has been doing in our lives. Due to a schedule of running and cooking, and lots of tests, we didn't have time to slow down and enjoy the day together, (I know that I have thoroughly enjoyed the day!), so I decided to do today's blog post over something that has really been convicting me and teaching me lately. This is an excerpt from a online Bible study that I've found. The study isn't complete online, so if you go looking for it you won't find all of it. It's still good stuff, just not fully there. From what little I've read of Her Hands, I have learned a lot. Below is the part that's spoken to me the most lately. I know it's long, and I'm sorry, but please read the text below. It will be well worth the five minutes it takes. [And just because the verse and excerpt talk about women specifically, it still can definitely apply to guys!]

Proverbs 14:1

The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.

"We will be women who build, or we will be women who destroy. We will be wise, or we will be foolish. We will pass down a legacy of obedience and blessing or a lifestyle of sin and rebellion. Those things are guaranteed for every woman. Those are our only choices. I will have to decide. You will have to decide. Which woman will I be? Unfortunately we aren’t the only people living in these houses we are either building or destroying. Other precious people reside there as well. Scripture warns us that foolishness is destructive. Our foolish ways of thinking and living will cause us to destroy our own lives and the lives of people around us. There is good news. Scripture says that God sent His Word to heal us. There is hope for believers. Because of the cross, and God's grace, we can be women who build. God has graciously given us the opportunity to truly live a life that honors Him. God’s Word can reteach, retrain and restore us. We can be women who pass down godliness and blessing for generations. God desires for women to be pursuing the godly characteristics outlined for believers and specifically women in His Word no matter if we’re married or single. As soon as we’re believers God desires to grow in us the fruits of purity, submission, gentleness, kindness, and self-control."

Have we built today, or destroyed? Have we encouraged one another or been caught up in our own schedules to care about the people around us? Have we thought of others as better than ourselves or do we think, in a round about way, that the world revolves around us? Have we glorified the Kingdom of God in our interactions, thoughts, words, etc.? Just something to think about.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 27: The Day We Had A Rondeveau Around Ouachita

Today was the first day of finals. Brittany and I both got up at the crack of dawn to finish studying, and we both did pretty good on our tests! Now to scramble everything together for round II tomotom. . . oh boy!

Tonite after dinner we went around campus and had a fun roommate photo shoot. Brittany and I have been brainstorming all day over what we wanted to do for today's post, and we decided to go with what we love most- Ouachita! God has blessed us both so incredibly much. He couldn't have chosen a better university for us to attend. PLUS, this photo shoot could not have been possible if it weren't for Travis Blanton- THANK YOU :) It meant a lot.

This one's for you, Mrs. Green :)

Here we are in front of the buildings we practically "live" in. Brittany has tons of classes in Lile Hall and I have tons of mine in Mabee Fine Arts.
Berry Bible :)

Thanks again, Travis. You are silly. ;)

"The twists and turns of life have a way of reminding us we aren't home yet. This is not our homeland. God has 'set eternity in the hearts of men' (Ecclesiastes 3:11). "

- Max Lucado

Have a blessed week! Take time to listen to what God is trying to tell you- even when you're SUPER busy! :)
